Support the HPD Lawdawgs
Every dollar helps
As Police Officers one of our many concerns outside the job is our own mental health. Many officers struggle with this as they lack healthy ways to release their stress. That is why many cities around the nation have started sports teams to help their members have healthy ways to successfully deal with the stress of this line of work. HPD is no different and that is why Day Trading Coffee Co has partnered with the HPD Lawdawgs baseball team to help fund their season. It takes officers time and money to participate in this and if we can help ease that burden in any way, that’s what we aim to do. So any items purchased through this page, and any donations made to this team will go directly to the Lawdawgs, a non profit organization, so your gift and purchases will be tax deductible.
So hit our Shop and use code DAWGS at checkout for 10% off. 80% of profits on purchases made with this code will be donated to the team directly!
If you prefer to donate directly instead of purchasing our high quality coffee, we don’t mind. Use the donation box below.